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AI and Safety in the Digital Age
Description et justification du domaine
While the digital age has brought numerous benefits to society, there are also a number of risks that this newfound technology presents. In order for Canada to continue promoting a free and open digital ecosystem, it is critical that there be programs and initiatives that safeguard our [vulnerable] communities from exploitation in the digital sphere. As such, AI and Safety in the Digital Age is a thematic of national importance. This theme seeks methods and solutions towards increasing the health of online societies and markets of today and in the future.
AI that promotes safety in the digital age will likely involve sifting through multiple data sources to determine high impact points of intervention. This data is complex, interconnected, large-scale, temporal, multimodal, unlabelled (and hard to label) and noisy. Given the strategic importance of big data analysis and the ability to decipher network connections, this thematic will also be beneficial from a socio-political standpoint. These capabilities will bring us closer to becoming the “knowledge-based” society that we are seeking to become and pave the way for further scientific breakthroughs.
Finally, this problem, as well as the AI solutions that are needed to solve it, are global in nature and therefore extremely significant from an international standpoint. Whether the technology is being used for human trafficking, money laundering, or cybersecurity breaches, these crimes present a threat to the health, security and prosperity of the global economy. As such, pursuing this thematic will allow IVADO to generate meaningful research that is internationally relevant as well as promote greater international collaboration on the topic.
Mots-clefs : Machine Learning for Graphs, Language Models, Graph Mining, Anomaly Detection, Coordinated Activity Detection, Organized Criminal Networks, Information War
Organisations pertinentes : Global Affairs Canada, Public Safety, RCMP
Personnes pertinentes suggérées durant la consultation :
Les noms suivants ont été proposés par la communauté et les personnes mentionnées ci-dessous ont accepté d’afficher publiquement leur nom. Notez cependant que tous les noms des professeur.e.s (qu’ils soient affichés publiquement ou non sur notre site web) seront transmis au comité conseil pour l’étape d’identification et de sélection des thèmes stratégiques. Notez également que les personnes identifiées durant l’étape de consultation n’ont pas la garantie de recevoir une partie du financement. Cette étape sert avant tout à présenter un panorama du domaine, incluant les personnes pertinentes et non à monter des équipes pour les programmes-cadres.
- Benoit Dupont
- Reihaneh Rabbany
- Adam Oberman
- Francis Fortin
Programmes-cadres potentiels
How can we detect organized human trafficking, grooming and recruitment for sexual exploitation, cyberbullying, and coordinated troll activities on social media platforms? The study of interconnected networks has significant potential to help and address the needs of some of the global community’s most vulnerable, for instance victims of sexual exploitations. This potential lies in the ability to monitor network connections on the online escort market, which suggest human trafficking, or social media communications which indicate recruitments under false pretenses or grooming. In the human trafficking case, monitoring the online escort markets is the key to combating human trafficking since these social networking websites provide easy-to-use and low-risk platforms for the traffickers, allowing them to remain anonymous and operate on a wide geographical range.
Leveraging AI techniques that detect the existence of network connections can make subtle links between ads and enable service providers supporting human trafficking victims to conduct their work more efficiently. Furthermore, this data-driven understanding of the human trafficking market can provide important agencies with a more comprehensive understanding of the state of human trafficking in Canada, which is critical for victim-support, case building and investigations as well as policy making. The same techniques could be applied to social media platforms to detect coordinated troll activity, or misinformation campaigns.
Documentation complémentaire
(pas de documentation complémentaire pour le moment)
13 juillet 2021 : Première version
15 juillet 2021 : Ajout de personnes pertinentes
22 juillet 2021 : Ajout de personnes pertinentes